Whether you're an actor wanting instruction and coaching in dialects, voice-over, or Shakespeare; an ESL student;a regional dialect speaker needing "accent reduction;" or someone who wants to learn an accent just for fun, you've come to the right place! Paul Meier has been teaching British and American dialects (Yorkshire dialect, Scottish dialect, Cockney dialect, New York dialect, etc.), and foreign language accents (French accent, German accent, Russian accent etc.) for over 30 years in the U.S.A. and his native England, coaching some of the biggest names in movies — Tobey Maguire of Spiderman fame, for example — and hundreds of plays, films, and musicals. With his long experience as a voice-over artist (the voice of Wal-mart's Smiley), and as an actor in audio books (Ayn Rand's Anthem), he's uniquely qualified to help others in these fields. Welcome to Paul Meier Dialect Services.

terima kasih sebab sy tak paham.. ;D
ReplyDeletejgn slh paham.. sbnrnya ilmu allah begitu n terlalu luas. kita pula diciptakan ada peranan masing2 dlm kehidupan.. insya'allah akan berjaya menjadi khalifah terbaik dibumi allah..
goodluck!! ;D
hehe..trima kasih!! :)