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An enthusiast photographer, blogger and dreamer. Currently a 5th year medical student in Mansoura, Egypt. Hometown in Malaysia


25 Tanda-tanda Sakit Yang Perlu Anda Ketahui

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Artikel daripada: Facebook

by Ahlan Wasahlan سيتي فاطمه on Thursday, November 4, 2010 at 4:31pm

Bacalah untuk menilai sejauh mana kesihatan diri anda :-

1. MATA (Bertindak balas dengan keadaan hati)

a) Mata menjadi merah : Hati mengandungi paras toksin yang tinggi.Mata menjadi merah menandakan badan Kita sedang dalam proses pembuangan toksin.

Mata menjadi kabur : Sering berlaku pada waktu pagi. Menandakan proses penyeimbangan hati sedang berlaku.

b) Keluar tahi mata : Fungsi hati lemah, pembuangan toksin sedang berlaku. Ini juga menunjukkan badan mengandungi asid berlebihan.

c) Keluar air mata : Gangguan emosi yang bersangkut dengan hati atau bebanan kerja.

d) Ketegangan Mata Dan kelopak : Tekanan perasaan kerana tidak puas hati atau bebanan yang berat.

2. HIDUNG (Hidung mempunyai hubungan rapat dengan paru-paru dan kerongkong)

a) Selesema : Proses pembuangan toksin di bahagian kerongkong. Badan mengandungi asid berlebihan (biasanya suhu badan meningkat).

b) Hidung sumbat : Paru-paru mengandungi toksin yang berlebihan. Proses menyeimbangkan masalah alahan hidung.

c) Bersin

i· Proses membuang toksin di bahagian kerongkong.

ii· Proses menyeimbangkan masalah alahan hidung.

3. BATUK a) Batuk keluar kahak : Proses membuang toksin di bahagian kerongkong.

b) Batuk tanpa kahak : Paru-paru mengandungi toksin yang berlebihan. Biasanya kahak pekat keluar selepas beberapa Hari memakan RG..

c) Batuk Dan berasa gatal di kerongkong : Proses membuang toksin di bahagian kerongkong Dan paru-paru, biasanya berlaku pada orang yang banyak merokok atau terdedah kepada udara yang tercemar.


a) Kerongkong kering. Proses membuang toksin sedang berlaku di seluruh badan. Ini adalah tanda bahawa badan Kita memerlukan banyak air untuk membuang toksin.

b) Sakit kerongkong. Seperti di atas. Paras keracunan lebih serius.

5. BIBIR (Berkaitan dengan fungsi sistem penghadaman)

a) Bibir pucat

i. Sistem penghadaman yang lemah.

ii. Perut mengandungi angin.

iii. Kurang darah yang disebabkan oleh sistem penghadaman yang kurang sempurna Dan mengakibatkan kekurangan zat besi.

Sepatutnya diperkuatkan fungsi penghadaman dahulu dengan RG sebelum memakan zat besi.

b) Bibir kering Dan pecah. Perut mengandungi banyak bahan toksin.

6. MULUT DAN LIDAH (Berkaitan dengan fungsi jantung dan sistem pengedaran darah)

a) Lidah atau gusi bengkak, sakit : Menunjukkan jantung mempunyai masalah, seperti lemak yang berlebihan, injap menjadi lemah, saluran koronari tersumbat dan lain-lain lagi.

b) Lidah, tisu mulut atau gusi menjadi pecah-pecah (ulser). Menandakan darah mengandungi asid berlebihan.

c) Mulut berbau busuk . Proses penyeimbangan fungsi perut untuk pembuangan toksin.

7. TELINGA (Berkaitan dengan buah pinggang)

a) Telinga terasa tersumbat : Buah pinggang mengandungi toksin berlebihan.

b) Telinga berdengung : Sedang merawat buah pinggang yang lemah.Biasanya tapak kaki terasa sakit ketika bangun pagi Dan sakit itu hilang setelah berjalan-jalan.


a) Peluh masin : Badan mengandungi lebihan asid urik.

b) Peluh berbau : Badan menyingkirkan toksin melalui perpeluhan.


Badan menyingkirkan toksin yang berlemak dan toksin yang tidak larut dalam air.


Proses menyingkirkan toksin melalui kulit akibat terlalu banyak memakan ubat yang mengandungi bahan kimia.


Proses pembuangan toksin yang larut dalam air.Sapukan serbuk Ganoderma pada kulit berkenaan.


Menandakan fungsi buah pinggang yang lemah. Selepas proses gugur, rambut akan umbuh semula dengan lebih sihat dan subur.


a) Sakit Sendi

i. Rasa panas. Menunjukkan terdapat luka di bahagian sendi berkenaan & tanda- tanda penyakit pirai (gout).

ii. Tidak rasa panas .Tanda-tanda sakit lenguh (rheumatism) .

iii. Sakit di bahagian bahu. Menandakan saluran darah telah menjadi keras dan fungsi metabolisme tidak seimbang.

b) Kebas Tangan : Pengaliran darah di bahagian atas badan tidak lancar.

c) Kebas Tangan Kiri Dan Lengan : Tanda-tanda lemah atau sakit jantung. Jika rasa kebas menjadi sakit di bahagian lengan Dan kekal di sana , ini menandakan serangan sakit jantung mungkin berlaku.

d) Kebas Kaki : Pengaliran darah di bahagian bawah badan tidak lancar.

e) Sakit Tapak Kaki : Menandakan buah pinggang lemah. Biasanya disebabkan oleh kekurangan senaman Dan duduk terlalu lama.

f) Sakit Tumit Kaki : Menunjukkan kelemahan fungsi alat kelamin.

g) Rasa Panas Di Tapak Kaki : Penyeimbangan fungsi buah pinggang akibat lemah tenaga batin.

h) Gatal Celah-celah Jari Kaki : Menunjukkan tanda awal penyakit kaki busuk (Hong Kong Foot).


a) Kepala.Secara amnya, segala tindak balas yang berlaku di bahagian kepala mempunyai kaitan dengan sistem pengaliran darah, jantung Dan saraf otak.

b) Pening/Sakit Di Bahagian Depan KepalaMenandakan sakit tekanan jiwa (neurosis) akibat bebanan mental Dan banyak berfikir.

c) Pening/Sakit Di Bahagian Belakang Kepalai) Bahagian atas . Menunjukkan penyakit tekanan darah tinggi.ii) Bahagian bawah (tengkuk). Menunjukkan penyakit tekanan darah tinggi atau tekanan darah.

d) Sakit Kepala Dan Rasa Gas Keluar Dari Telinga :Menandakan penyakit migrain.

e) Bisul Terjadi Di KepalaTanda pembuangan toksin sedang berlaku. Kadang-kadang dikaitkan dengan penyakit migrain.

f) Rasa Pening Yang MemusingTanda kurang darah atau pengaliran darah tidak lancar.


a) Loya/Muntah : Tanda penyakit lelah.. Pembuangan bahan toksik dari bahagian perut.

b) Muntah Darahi. Darah merah : Pembuangan tisu yang sudah rosak di bahagian kerongkongii. Darah hitam: Pembuangan tisu yang sudah rosak di bahagian perut; misalnya penyakit ulser.


Tanda sakit jantung.


Proses pembuangan toksin dari kerongkong akibat jangkitan kuman


a) Kerap kencing : Menunjukkan buah pinggang mengandungi kotoran

b) Air kencing berkapur : Menunjukkan penyakit batu karang dalam buah pinggang.

c) Air kencing berminyak : Menunjukkan buah pinggang mengandungi kotoran berlemak.

d) Air kencing pekat berwarna coklat : Menandakan proses pembuangan toksin sedang berlaku.

e) Air kencing berdarah : Penyakit batu karang atau buah pinggang luka.


a) Cirit-Birit/ Kerap Buang Air Besar : Membersihkan kotoran/keracunan dari usus besar. Cirit-birit dengan serta merta selepas memakan RG, menandakan penyakit barah di bahagian usus besar.

b) Sembelit: Membersihkan toksin dari usus kecil.

c) Najis Berdarahi.

i . Darah merah : Masalah penyakit buasir atau barah di bahagian usus.

ii. Darah hitam: Masalah penyakit ulser perut.

d) Najis Berwarna Hitam : Menunjukkan proses pembuangan toksin di bahagian usus sedang berlaku.


a) Rasa Sakit : Secara amnya, segala kesakitan badan adalah disebabkan?saluran darah.

i. Sakit menyucuk : Proses menyeimbangkan urat saraf.

ii. Sakit sengal: Menandakan luka di dalam badan

.iii. Sakit menyentap: Proses menyeimbangkan urat saraf yang berkaitan dengan organ-organ badan

.iv. Sakit menegang : Proses melancarkan pengaliran darah.

b) Badan Terasa Berat/ Malas/ Lenguh : Badan mengandungi asid yang berlebihan.

c) Badan Terasa Panas : Badan mengandungi asid yang berlebihan. Inimenandakan badan memerlukan banyak air untuk menjalankan proses pembuangan toksin.

d) Badan Terasa Ringan : Menandakan badan segar dan proses awet muda sedang berlaku.


Lemah fungsi buah pinggang. Tenaga batin lemah.


Fungsi hati lemah. Tekanan darah tinggi.


Sistem paru-paru yang lemah.


a) Sistem jantung yang lemah.

b) Sistem saraf otak yang lemah.

c) Masalah pengaliran darah.


Sistem penghadaman yang lemah.

Selalulah berdoa agar kita sentiasa mendapat kesihatan tubuh badan yang baik. Jangan lupa untuk bersenam dan mengamalkan pemakanan yang sihat.. InsyaAllah

Kalau ada diantara pembaca ini seorang doktor, bolehlah sahkan info ini. Atau kalau ada yang boleh bertanya kepada mereka yang berkelayakan, tanyakan dan kongsi dengan kita semua, adakah info ini boleh dipakai atau tidak.


by: sya mtm

Facts or Myths? You decide

Monday, October 25, 2010

1. Kita diajar dalam buku biologi, buku pemakanan (kajian dan terbitan para kafir ni) bahawa kalau nak dapat vitamin B dan kalau nak tambah darah kita kena makan hati haiwan dan hati ayam tetapi sebenarnya Nabi kita tidak menggalakkan pemakanan organ dalaman. Nak ikut kafir ke nak ikut nabi kita?

Sebenarnya makan hati ayam dapat melembabkan otak kita sbb hati merupakan organ dimana semua toksin akan dikumpulkan dan dineutralkan. so kepekatan toksin adalah tinggi di hati ayam. makanlah kita toksin tersebut serta bengaplah otak kita umat Islam sebab percaya buku sains keluaran kafir ini. 

2. Kita diajar dalam sains bahawa kopi tidak bagus untuk kesihatan. Namun sebenarnya kopi adalah antara minuman kegemaran Nabi kita selain susu dan madu. Cuba tengok Yahudi, mereka minum kopi, Starbuck. Profesor di UK yang Yahudi semua ada segelas kopi di tangan mereka.

3. Kita diajar memakan kambing tinggi kolesterol, namun kambing juga adalah makanan Nabi kita. Seolah-olah buku sains ni nak merendahkan pemakanan Nabi kita. Sebenarnya daging kambing adalah daging paling kurang kolesterol.

4. Kita diajar bahawa makan McDonalds adalah bagus, namun sebenarnya McDonalds adalah makanan yang sangat tinggi MSG dan kolesterolnya dan paling banyak lemak tepu trans.

5. Para kafir ni juga menggalakkan kita minum dan makan makanan yang langsung tak berkhasiat , contohnya coke dan maggi . Coke tu sangatlah beracun, pastu sangat tidak bagus untuk kesihatan (gula tinggi, berasid, pH dalam lingkungan 3.5, ada racun tersembunyi) . Dan para Melayu kita juga yang ketagih minum.

6 . Untuk pengetahuan, para kafir jugak mengwar-warkan kebaikan minum soya (sebab USA merupakan pengeluar soya terbesar), namun sebenarnya soya dapat melemahkan kejantanan lelaki dan mengurangkan kesuburan lelaki dan perempuan. selain itu juga soya dapat meningkatkan risiko kanser payudara, kanser ovari, kanser prostat, serta melemahkan otak dan tulang sbb dalam soya ada hormon estrogen yang sama dgn estrogen kat wanita. pastu soya ada phytic acid yang membuatkan penyerapan kalsium, magnesium dan zinc yang penting untuk badan kita terjejas.

References :

McDonald’s Happy Meal resists decomposition for six months

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Article obtain from Yahoo!

By Brett Michael Dykes

Tue Oct 12, 1:54 pm ET

Vladimir Lenin, King Tut and the McDonald's Happy Meal: What do they all have in common? A shocking resistance to Mother Nature's cycle of decomposition and biodegradability, apparently.

That's the disturbing point brought home by the latest project of New York City-based artist and photographer Sally Davies, who bought a McDonald's Happy Meal back in April and left it out in her kitchen to see how well it would hold up over time.

The results? "The only change that I can see is that it has become hard as a rock," Davies told the U.K. Daily Mail.

She proceeded to photograph the Happy Meal each week and posted the pictures to Flickr to record the results of her experiment. Now, just over six months later, the Happy Meal has yet to even grow mold. She told the Daily Mail that "the food is plastic to the touch and has an acrylic sheen to it."

Davies -- whose art has been featured in numerous films and television shows and is collected by several celebrities -- told The Upshot that she initiated the project to prove a friend wrong. He believed that any burger would mold or rot within two or three days of being left on a counter. Thus began what's become known as "The Happy Meal Art Project."

"I told my friend about a schoolteacher who's kept a McDonald's burger for 12 years that hasn't changed at all, and he didn't believe me when I told him about it," Davies told us. "He thought I was crazy and said I shouldn't believe everything that I read, so I decided to try it myself."

Some observers of the photo series have noted that the burger's bun appears at different angles, and therefore aired suspicions that the Happy Meal may not in fact be as "untouched" as the project's groundrules stipulate. Davies says there's a simple explanation for the mobile-bun effect. "The meal is on a plate in my apartment on a shelf," she says, "and when I take it down to shoot it, the food slides around. It's hard as rock on a glass plate, so sure, the food is moving."

Click image to see more photos of the unchanging Happy Meal

Photo courtesy of Sally Davies

Davies' friend was the person who should have done the additional research. Wellness and nutrition educator Karen Hanrahan has indeed kept a McDonald's hamburger since 1996 to show clients and students how resistant fast food can be to decomposition.

As for Davies, she said that she might just keep her burger and fries hanging around for a while as well.

"It's sitting on a bookshelf right now, so it's not really taking up any space, so why not?" she said. It ceased giving off any sort of odor after 24 hours, she said, adding: "You have to see this thing."

In response to Davies' project, McDonald's spokeswoman Theresa Riley emailed The Upshot a statement defending the quality of the chain's food. Riley's email also blasted Davies' "completely unsubstantiated" work as something out of "the realm of urban legends."

"McDonald's hamburger patties in the United States are made with 100% USDA-inspected ground beef," Riley wrote. "Our hamburgers are cooked and prepared with salt, pepper and nothing else -- no preservatives, no fillers. Our hamburger buns are baked locally, are made from North American-grown wheat flour and include common government-approved ingredients designed to assure food quality and safety. ... According to Dr. Michael Doyle, Director, Center for Food Safety at the University of Georgia, 'From a scientific perspective, I can safely say that the way McDonald's hamburgers are freshly processed, no hamburger would look like this after one year unless it was tampered with or held frozen.'"

(Photos via Sally Davies' Flickr)

p.s: We all knew, long before this article, that fast food was never a good alternative for the traditional food that is much better prepared. Yet now, it had become part of our daily diet, courtesy to the influence from the West. Well, here's an article, in hope that we could at least reduce fast food consumption.

p.s: this is a research in USA. Any of us Malaysian want to take up the test and experiment Happy Meals in Malaysia?

No pain no gain?

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Taiping Hospital snuffed out my father's life

Monday, September 27, 2010

article's source:

With all humility let me introduce myself. I am a doctor who started his career as a houseman in 1983 at the Taiping Hospital. True to the nobleness of my late father and my profession, this is written in full honesty, level-headedness and rationality.

My father, of 94 years of age, passed away on Aug 5 at the Taiping Hospital in Ward D4. Life has to end at one point of our life and there are no misgivings in that. My father was no exception and while I take heed of that, I cannot contain or refrain myself from bringing out the following with all sincerity and truthfulness.

My father was taken to the hospital on Aug 8 with complaints of weakness and walking not as usual and was examined by a doctor at the Accident & Emergency Bay followed by an ECG and chest X-Ray. Blood samples were also drawn for further tests.

Subsequent to this, the doctor had told my uncle that my father's 'heart was weak' and he had to be admitted. Blood investigations revealed elevated cardiac enzymes and a positive Troponin T test was diagnosed as, 'acute coronary syndrome'.

Any doctor worth his salt would have known that a patient of 94 years with evidence of chest infection, elevated cardiac enzymes with a positive Troponin T needs to be in the CCU (Coronary Care Unit) or ICU and it's no rocket science to deduce that. If the blood pressure is on the falling trend he needs to be on some kind of ionotrope if necessary.

The questions that need an answer are the following:

Why was he put into a normal ward?

Why was he on normal diet when rightfully he should have been on a soft diet?

What was the treating doctor waiting for?

Where was the aptitude, logical deliberation of the admitting doctor, the treating physician and the medical officers?

It would seem to me that the medical personnel in the hospital would only act if the patient was to throw a massive myocardial infarction (MI or heart attack) and cardiogenic shock before it warrants the patient to be in an ICU or CCU.

It is my personal feeling that perhaps because my father was 94 years he was therefore worthless, inconsequential, forgettable, unimportant, inessential and ephemeral.

I was further shocked when it was told to me by my sister on the day of admission that a junior doctor who was with another doctor had said the following words in Tamil to her which I translate as follows: 'Do you know what is heart attack? He is having a heart attack. We cannot do anything. You better inform your relatives'.

In my mind, if you are going to say that you cannot do anything for a patient who has been diagnosed as having an acute coronary syndrome or heart attack for that matter, then there is something seriously wrong.

At the time my father was admitted at the Taiping Hospital, I was still in KL. I was trying to contact the Taiping Hospital (05-808 3333) from KL on Aug 5 from 2pm onwards and it was virtually impossible to get the operator on the line as after the completion of the ringing tone, the line gets disconnected.

I am disappointed that a very old man with an acute myocardial injury, blood pressure in the descend and with a diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome was sent to a normal ward. Pray please tell me is this some kind of new management which I may not have known about. This is just mind boggling and if this is indeed a breakthrough I am willing to humble myself.

When I arrived from KL and went to my father's bedside at about 6.30pm, I was concerned that he was not even on a drip or a monitor and appeared to be tachypnoeic, with oxygen prongs in his nostrils. I did notice some Venofix in his elbow.

I was looking for the doctor but was told he was not in any of the wards. By then, I realised without any doubt that my father has to be moved out from that ward if he is to survive as he was 'just sitting on a time bomb.'

At about 7.25pm my father became more tachypnoeic and I could hear wheezing. I realised he was in respiratory distress and immediately I was calling for the nurse to get the doctor-in-charge while trying to get things for a CPR. The nurses appeared to be at a loss and didn't even have the foresight to even bring the emergency trolley if ever there was one.

I was asking them for a cardiac-board (CPR board) but probably they never understood what it was. I told them to fix the pulse-oxymeter and the monitor and by then my father was already showing signs and symptoms of a cardiogenic shock.

His limbs and chest were becoming cold and sweaty The Pulse-Oxymeter was not displaying anything and there was not even an Ambu-bag available at that moment of time. Still there was no signs of the doctor. There was not even an airway at that moment and to my utter dismay and shock while trying to open my father's mouth which was closed I saw that his dentures were still there!

I managed to remove the dentures and kept telling the nurses to get the doctor-in-charge, only to be told that he was on the way. Finally, after a lapse of 10-15 minutes the doctor showed up and only then were the electrodes were placed on my father's chest and the monitor showed marked ST elevations. The doctor told me to stay 'outside' and I was informed that the oxygen saturation was 85% which was anything but reliable.

I am thoroughly disappointed that the doctor was complaining about my presence there. I overheard him say that I had no right to be there or do anything since I am not in government service. This attitude was appalling.

The doctor was much more keen to shine a torch into my father's eyes rather than to take any pro-active measure in resuscitation. I could see that the doctor was not going to intubate though it was absolutely essential to do this with such an oxygen-saturation.

I walked up to the doctor and told him, 'Doctor, he needs to be intubated and if you don't mind, can I intubate' and not surprisingly my request was denied.

I sincerely and wholeheartedly pray that no other son should undergo this trauma where you realise your beloved father's life ebbing away and the doctor is really not doing anything about it and neither allowing you to do something which you are competent to do and to what extent 'bagging' will improve oxygen saturation is anybody's guess. What was so wrong to grant me the permission to perform an indispensable procedure? Was it pride or ego, I ask.

By this time, I knew it would take a miracle, short of divine intervention for my father to come back. All the way through, it was only the houseman who was trying to do 'resuscitation' and only after an aeon later were two other senior doctors were present. But by then it was too late.

As I knew that the houseman was not going to do what was necessary, I told the Ward Sister to contact the doctor whom I had spoken to and to tell the housemen that my father needs to be intubated and to do it immediately.

But sadly, the Sister, instead of getting the doctor on the line, was much more interested to find out to what extent I knew the doctor – whether I knew him personally or not and so till I left the ward after my father's life was extinguished the Sister never got the doctor on the line.

At this juncture, I must also note that this Sister - who was at the Nurses Counter - did not show any urgency towards a patient who has collapsed. Only much later was she there for assistance.

The time of death of my father has been stated as 8.17 pm. This is not true. For more than fifteen to twenty minutes, there was only a pretension of resuscitation when in actual fact, nothing was being done. In reality, my father's life was snuffed out much much more earlier than 8.17 pm.

As a doctor who had gone through the mill for the past 30 years, I could only stand by watching helplessly and witnessing everything that took place

In any resuscitative effort, time is of the essence and there should be a sense of urgency, speed and aptitude combined with a whole lot of doctor's competence. Otherwise, what is undertaken is just perfunctory and the result will be surely and definitely be a failure as to what has happened to my father. None of the abovementioned attributes were present when my father's life was ebbing away.

The final blow for the day came when the lady Medical Officer came and asked me whether they can be allowed to perform a post-mortem on my father – reason being to establish the cause of death. I was at a loss for words. As for me, I feel the onus is on me to confirm the cause of death and in this instant they seem to be multi- factorial. Causes of death of my father:

1. Mismanagement

2. Negligence

3. Incompetence

4. Lackadaisical

5. Inaptitude

6. Nursing Apathy

My father is no more. The happiness, strength you draw and the happy moments you share with an aging father more so if he is good-natured and hale and hearty for his age. With a saintly demeanor, this gift is just colossal and inestimable.

My family's dreams for our aging, dignified father, an embodiment of sacrifice, has been doused because of deplorable reasons and nothing will ever be able to fill the void created.

The old adage, 'something is rotten in the state of Denmark' can now be mutated to'something is seriously and really not right in the House of Hippocrates' as far as Malaysia is concerned.

Healthy Lifestyle: Top Concentration Killers

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Reviewed by: Louise Chang, MD for WebMD
Culprit: Social Media
Whether you're living with ADHD or just have trouble focusing from time to time, today's world is full of concentration killers. Psychologist Lucy Jo Palladino, PhD offers a few tips to manage distractions, starting with social media. It's easy to connect with friends -- and disconnect from work -- many times an hour. Every status update zaps your train of thought, forcing you to backtrack when you resume your work.

Social Media Fix
Avoid logging in to social media sites while you're working. If you feel compelled to check in every now and then, do it during breaks, when the steady stream of posts won't interrupt your concentration. If you can't resist logging in more frequently, take your laptop someplace where you won't have Internet access for a few hours.

Culprit: Email Overload
There's something about an email -- it shoots into your inbox and itches to be answered immediately. Although many emails are work-related, they still count as distractions from your current project. You won't make much progress if you constantly stop what you're doing to reply to every message.

Email Overload Fix
Instead of checking email continuously, set aside specific times for that purpose. During the rest of the day, you can actually shut down your email program. This allows you to carve out blocks of time when you can work uninterrupted.

Culprit: Your Cell Phone
Perhaps even more disruptive than the ping of an email is the ringtone on your cell phone. It's a sound few of us can ignore. But taking a call not only costs you the time you spend talking – it can also cut off your momentum on the task at hand.

Cell Phone Fix
Put caller ID to good use. If you suspect the call is not urgent, let it go to voicemail. If you're working on a particularly intense project, consider silencing your phone so you're not tempted to answer. Choose specific times to check voicemail. Listening to all your messages at once can be less disruptive than taking every call as it comes in.

Culprit: Multitasking
If you've mastered the art of multitasking, you probably feel you're getting more done in less time. Think again, experts say. Research suggests you lose time whenever you shift your attention from one task to another. The end result is that doing three projects simultaneously usually takes longer than doing them one after the other.

Multitasking Fix
Whenever possible, devote your attention to one project at a time, particularly if you're working on an intense or high-priority task. Save your multitasking skills for chores that are not urgent or demanding -- it probably won't hurt to tidy up your desk while talking on the phone.

Culprit: Boredom
Some of the tasks we have to do each day are more interesting than others. The boring ones may burn through your attention span in minutes, making you extremely vulnerable to distractions. Your phone, the Internet, even the prospect of dusting your workspace can seem tempting if you're bored.

Boredom Fix
Make a deal with yourself: If you stay on task for a certain period of time, you earn a 10-minute break. Reward yourself with coffee, a favorite snack, or a walk outside. Boring tasks are easier to accomplish when you have something to look forward to. This is also one case where multitasking may work well. Listening to the radio while filing receipts could help you stay put long enough to finish the job.

Culprit: Nagging Thoughts
It's hard to focus on the work in front of you if you're worrying about errands you need to run or housework to be done. Or perhaps you're hung up on a conversation you had yesterday, and you keep replaying it in your mind. Nagging thoughts of any sort can be a powerful distraction.

Nagging Thoughts Fix
One way to keep nagging thoughts from buzzing around in your brain is to write them down. Make a list of errands, housework, or other tasks you plan to complete later. Vent frustrations over an unpleasant confrontation in your journal. Once these thoughts are on paper, you may be able to let them go for awhile.

Culprit: Stress
When you feel like you have too much on your plate, it can be hard to focus on individual tasks. To make matters worse, stress takes a noticeable toll on the body. You may develop tight shoulders, headaches, or a racing heart, all of which can chip away at your ability to concentrate.

Stress Fix
Learn stress reduction techniques, such as meditation. This can help you rein in stressful thoughts, so they don't demand so much of your attention. In one study, researchers found that people who took an eight-week meditation course improved their ability to focus. If you can't find a meditation class locally, look for one online.

Culprit: Fatigue
Fatigue can make it tough to concentrate, even when you have few distractions. Studies suggest too little sleep can sap your attention span and short-term memory.

Fatigue Fix
Most adults need 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Instead of burning the midnight oil, make sleep a priority. This will help you get more done during your waking hours. Also, pay attention to which times of day you feel most alert. Then you'll know when to schedule your most intense tasks.

Culprit: Hunger
The brain can't focus without fuel, so skipping meals – especially breakfast – is a top concentration killer. Research indicates short-term memory and attention suffer when you rise and shine but do not dine.

Hunger Fix
Keep hunger at bay and give your brain a steady source of fuel with these habits:
  • Always eat breakfast.
  • Eat high-protein snacks (cheese, nuts)
  • Skip simple carbs (sweets, white pasta)
  • Choose complex carbs (whole grains)

Culprit: Depression
Most people tend to think of sadness as the hallmark of depression. But the National Institute of Mental Health says difficulty concentrating is one of the most common symptoms. If you're having trouble focusing, and you also feel empty, hopeless, or indifferent, you may be experiencing depression.

Depression Fix
If you think you might be depressed, the first step is to talk with a doctor or counselor. Depression is highly treatable. Many studies have shown the effectiveness of antidepressant medications and certain types of talk therapy.

Culprit: Medication
Unfortunately, some of the medications used to treat depression can interfere with concentration. The same is true of many other drugs. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist to check if a medication or supplement you are taking may be affecting your concentration.

Medication Fix
If you suspect your meds are clouding your concentration, don't assume there are no other options. Talk to your doctor about adjusting your dosage or switching to a different class of medication.

Culprit: ADHD
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is not just a problem for children. More than half of kids with ADHD continue to experience symptoms as adults. The classic signs are a short attention span and trouble focusing on tasks.

If you have consistent trouble focusing, and you had attention problems as a child, ask a doctor or counselor about ADHD. There are ways to manage the condition, including behavioral therapy and medications.

*Article and pictures are properties of WebMD. Posted here for sharing purpose only. Please visit the main site. No copyright infringement intended.

Slides Picture of SMS 3033: Part 2

Pathophysiology Of Reproductive System: Lab Report 2

Can anyone help to explain these slides? All the slides are of histo-pathology. I am not sure of the name for each slides, but should I'm not mistaken, the arrangement are as follow:

1. Cervical Tumour
2. Endometrial Cancer
3. Endometrium Degeneration
4. Endometrium Interstitialoma
5. Ovary Cyst
Pathological changes of:
6. Placenta-Artery
7. Placenta-Vein
8. Umbilical Cord

Do inform me if the naming are wrong.

Slides Picture of SMS 3033: Part 1

Pathophysiology Of Reproductive System: Lab Report 1

Can anyone help to explain these slides? All the slides are of normal histology.



Uterine Tube




Uterus Cervix Junction
1st picture is the Uterus, 2nd is the Cervix

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